Light Leak at South Platte, 2017

Eagle at South Platte, 2017

After El Niño II, 2016

After El Niño I, 2016

Tumbleweed Ashore (Pyramid Lake), 2016

Creosote, Panamints, and Light Leaks, 2016

Superbloom near Salt Creek, 2016

Death Valley Rocks, 2012

Lily of the Desert, 2012

Elisa at Mesquite Flats Shortly Before the Piano Truck Pulled into the Parking Lot (Dune Babe), 2012

Grande South, 2013

The Grand Canyon Was Fogged Out, but the LCR Gorge was Especially Beautiful (Luckily), 2013

Shelter from the Sun (CA), 2012

Shelter from the Sun (WY), 2016

Golden Hour at Easton's, 2016

Rest Stop Patriotism, 2016
Terra Cognita
digital C-prints
various dimensions
collection assembled in 2018
Most of these photos were taken while I spent summers traveling through the West / Southwest for work. All of the shots were exposed to medium format film with a toy camera that was held together with gaffer tape in an effort to prevent light leaks, which, regardless, often occurred due to the plastic camera body becoming warped by mid-summer Mojave heat.